I love to start my blogs with a questions when I considered extremelly important.
Why should I meditate?
Simple, meditation would help you maintain your inner peace, balance and harmony.
Yes, those were the three reasons. I know, I know, I usually go straight to the point ☺️. And I will write it one more time because I want you to keep it in your mind forever.
We are being of light and is very important to mantain our soul connected to the divinity. Think about this, if we are God’s kids and God is light and love. What do you think we are? Light and love. Right? Well, meditation would be the bridge that would help you have the connection with who you really are. Once you start meditating you would feel peace, love and harmony. Which will conduct to have a better connection to the divinity and the divinity is God.
People usually don‘t meditate because they think that they must be a yogi or be in good shape in order to sit down in the right position to meditate. I have good news for you my dear, their is not an expecifit position to meditate, as long as you comfortable and relax. Believe or not, I’m writing this blog for you in the middle of a meditation and I still can feel the connection. The more you practice the faster you would concentrated and the faster you would reach your meditation level desires.
A great way to have a strong connection and a deepest meditation, is to imagine that a very bright light is coming from the sky right into your cown chakra and iluminate your entire body, make sure you hold this light for a while during your meditation on your solar plexus chakra. Them you would imagine that a very bright and beautiful long roots are coming from the ground and go rigth into your feets introducing your body until your solar plexus chakra, (hold it there).
Now the bright white lite and the beautiful bright and iluminated roots are together in your solar plexus chakra making an extraordinary explotion of light and love. Feel it, enjoy it, embrace this beautiful moment between you and God, as much as you can. Once you feel prepared and ready to end up your mediataion make sure you slowly return the light and the roots to their origins. They already did their job and you can always bring them back again.
I just share with you my very best and favorite meditation routing. I know for sure you would love it and it will work for you too. I would like you to remember the importance of meditating and I hope you add it to your daily routing.
You could also do this great tips: play meditation music, light some candles or burn your favorites essential oils, that would help with your relaxation. You could also include your crystals and quartz (an amethyst will be great) to your meditation, they will help you on having a better concentration by the time they clean your surrounding with their magnificent power.
I encourage you to read my blogs:
”8 WAYS TO BECOME ATTUNED WITH YOUR CRYSTALS”, “THE 7 AURIC LAYERS“ and “THE 7 CHAKRAS & HOW TO ALIGN THEM WITH THE POWER OF CRYSTALS.”. They all have wonderful information that could be definately very important to you on your new meditation journey. You would learn and have a better understanding on where are the chakras located, how to align them and the importance of having them in balance.
I see you soon dear friend with another blog, thank you for being part of my life.
“Shine like a rockstar.” You are amazing!
Happy Healing.
Aracelis Ulloa.
Instagram: @arascreations_
Facebook: Ara Ulloa
Pinterest: Ara Ulloa