There could be a lot of methods to purify and clean the water you drink. However, this three are the ones that best worked for me, for this reason I would love to share it with you. Because they truly work, you would be able to feel and notice the different right away. The first things you need to do is to balance, attuned and recharged yourself because the way you feel and the energy you are vibrating in is the same energy you would pour in your water.
My favorite way to purify my water is with the energy of the sun. How? Is very simple and easy to do, all you would need is a glass recipient of any size. Pour your water inside your glass recipient, cover it and place it to the sun. Let’s say you want to purify the water for the whole week you could leave it at the sun for 48 hours. For a personal glass bottle you only need to place it to the sun for 2 or 3 hours.
Please note that the best time to purify your water with the sun is between 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM. After this time past you could remove your water and put it in your fridge. Another important thing that you need to know is that if the amount of water is larger just count the 48 hours your water was expose to the sun, between 12:00 noon & 4:00 PM.
You may be curious and asking your-self why between this time is better? Here is your answer my dear, during this time of the day the sun rays are closer to the earth and the power and the energy of the sun is stronger, this wonderful energy would purify and bless your water. You probably hear that is not a good idea to expose your skim to the sun between this time, that’s another reason for you to have a better and clear view of why this is the perfect time to place you water to the sun.
The other way you could purify and bless your water is with crystals. Remember that crystals are pure and their purity can clean, bless and purify your water. The best crystals to purify your water are amethyst, clear quartz and citrine. You would need a glass recipient and the crystal of your choice, place the crystal inside the glass recipient, add your water and cover it. Leave it for 24 hours and that it, after this time passed you can drink and enjoy your water.
After sharing this two ways of how you can purify your water, one is missing right? and is also as important as the first two. The third one is, to ask your angels and guardian angels to please purify your water. Angels are always there waiting for you to ask them for your needs. If you already read my blog “THE 7 PRINCIPAL ANGEL’S & THEIR HEALING CRYSTALS” you probably know how the angels can help you. If not, please go read it, you would love it.
With the first two methods you could always add the third one. I mean that after purifying your water with the sun or with your crystals you could always ask your angels to purify it too ☺️. They would be so happy to assist you, because they love you and care a lot for you.
Remember that your energy can influence a lot in the process of purifying your water, make sure you are vibrating high in the frequency of love at the time of purifying your water and please make sure to only use glass recipients.
Thank you for being here, I see you soon. 🤗
Remember that you are love, light, beautiful & unique.
Aracelis Ulloa
Instagram: arascreations_
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