I believe you remember that I encourage you in my blog “HOW TO RELIEVE PAIN WITH CRYSTALS” to stay tuned because I was going to keep sharing information about how to use crystals for natural remedies. In this blog I would shared with you which crystals could help you if you or someone you know suffer from migraine.
Migraine can be a consequence of a lot of stress, sinusitis, constant headaches, eye illness, and mood swings. As you already know crystals are pure and their magnificent properties can help us on release or even cure diseases, the only thing we need to add is faith at the time we decide to use crystals as remedie.
To do this treatment you would need to identify the key chakras to where you would place your crystals. I wrote some blogs that can help you identify them, ”THE 7 CHAKRAS & HOW TO ALIGN THEM WITH THE POWER OF CRYSTALS” & “THE 7 AURIC LAYERS.”
The key chakras to place your crystals in order to help release your migraine are; the third eye chakra, the throat chakra and the crown chakra.
The recommended crystals are;
1. Amazonite
2. Turquoise
3. Aquamarine
4. Prehnite
5. Selenite
6. Amethyst.
Here is how you would do it, lay down and relax your body then, place a selenite or a prehnite above of your head on your crown chakra, it could be on your bed or on your pillow, then you would place an amethyst on your third eye chakra and an amazonite, a turquoise or an aquamarine on your throat chakra. Close your eyes and imagine how those crystals absorb your pain, you will be able to feel, to heal and to experience the beauty of curing with natural elements such as crystals.
You could do it as many time as you need it, just make sure you only spend 20 to 30 minutes doing this exercise because that’s the minimum and maximum recommended time. You will be able to notice the difference basically immediately. Believe me, you will feel incredible after practicing this exercise.
I will always repeat and emphasize a lot on the power that all natural elements have and the magnificent benefits they can contribute to our life.
“Stones are an excellent tool for healing, depending on their benefits you can use a healing crystal to naturally heal yourself and remove stress and negativity.“
Please stay tuned for more blogs like this one, I will keep sharing crystals‘s benefits and how you could cure and release with them. Feel free to ask me questions about this topic or anything in particular.
I see you soon with another blog and on my social accounts.
Don’t forget to shine ✨
You are amazing!
Aracelis Ulloa.
Instagram: arascreations_
Facebook: Ara Ulloa
Pinterest: Ara Ulloa