I been saying for a while on my social accounts that crystals form in the deep surface of our lovely Planet Earth and that they form in seven amazingly beautiful shapes. So, I decided to write a blog to explain it more formally. They been forming for hundreds, millions and thousands of years, crystals are made from molecules and atoms, and the way of formation may vary depending on the type crystal.
For example, an amethyst form when a very concentrated solution of silicon dioxide, that contain traces of iron is trapped in a lava bubble. When the silicon merge with oxygen, form a crystal and the traces of iron are the ones responsable of the distinctive beautiful color of an amethyst.
On the other hand, diamonds, emeralds and turmalines forms a little be different. Diamonds formed from carbon atoms and are the most popular and hardest stones. Emerald’s formed from mineral beryl and get their color from chromium and vanadium, and the turmalines formed due to a gas penetrating rock. Some crystals are from the same family, such as jaspers and sapphires and the most interesting part is, when they from the same family they come in a big variety of patterns and colors depending on the interaction of different natural ingredients of planet earth.
Crystals are magically form in a interesting variety of shapes. This are the seven different shapes of formation.
1. Triangle
2. Square
4. Rectangles
5. Rhomboids
6. Parallelograms
7. Hexagons
More over, tridimensional crystals cannot be appreciated from a human eye, the only way we can see this beauties is thru a microscope. Is good to mention that double ended crystals can be used for balancing and drawing away energy.
There are a huge amount of different crystals and scientist are still discovering new variations of them. The most recent discovered is a green colored crystal, they named it kernowite (see the picture below), this crystal was identify from a rock mine in Cornwall, UK.
“The purity of crystals help us to stay connected to Mother Earth & all Natural Elements.”
I love to see how nature still surprising us, is very beautiful to know that we are part of crystals, that we can easily connect with them and heal with their high vibration and love. Stones are strong and versatile, they teach us powerful lessons about endurance and encouraged us to appreciated the common things in our life.
Remember to always vibrate high, in the frequency of love.
I see you soon 🤗.
Aracelis Ulloa
Instagram: arascreations_
Facebook: Ara Ulloa
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