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Writer's picture: Aracelis Ulloa Aracelis Ulloa

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

We have chakras in our entire body. However, there are seven of them that are called the Seven Principal Chakras: Sahasrara, Ajna, Visuddha, Anahata, Manipura, Svadisthana & Muladhara. Is always a good idea to have our Seven Principal Chakras aligned. I always emphasized a lot on that because, it is a most that we balance our Seven Vortices of Energy. Once they are in balance we are able to be more focus, have a better connection to Mother Earth and all of the natural elements. Crystals are extraordinary to help us clean and balance our chakras, crystals with their pure magic could absorb all of the smog and negativity in our entire body.

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Mantra: LAM

This is the principal chakra, it color is red. His name already give us a clue, it is the root of our body. Is the one responsable to keep us connected to hearth. The best crystal to clean and align this chakra is Red Garnet, which is also associated with the blood, heart, life force and inner fire.

2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

Mantra: VAM

This is the second chakra, it color is orange, is considered to be the sexual chakra, once this chakra is in balance we are able to have a healthy sexual life which would always be in a good shape. The best Crystal to clean and align this Chakra is Carnelian. This Crystal will boosts your physical energy and vitality, strengthens your courage and stamina. It’s especially helpful for integrating your first three Chakras, increasing creativity and willpower.

3. The Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Mantra: RAM

This is the third Chakra, it color is yellow. I always consider this particular chakra extremely important because, that’s where we actually started accumulating all of the negativity, which will eventually spread to the rest of our bodies if this chakra is not align. The best Crystal to clean and align this chakra is Citrine. Citrine imparts joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Raises self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain, strengthening the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression.

4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Mantra: YAM

This is Chakra number four, it color is green. Is where you can feel, received, express and spread love. Having this chakra align would help you meditate better because, you would be able to feel the only thing that actually matter; Genuine Love. The best Crystal to clean and align this Chakra is Green Aventurine. This Crystal benefits the nervous blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol. Green Aventurine would help you to heal the heart.

5. The Throat Chakra (Visuddha)

Mantra: HAM

This is Chakra number five is located right in our throat, it color is blue. By having this Chakra align we could have better and healthier conversations. The best Crystal to align it is Turquoise. This Crystal is believed to provide not only protection from negativity but also a clear connection to the purity of natural elements, especially the elements of water and air. Turquoise also have a Heavenly energy that would help us communicate better.

6. The Third Eye (Ajna)

Mantra: OHM

Chakra number six, our Third Eye, it color is indigo. As Jesus Christ said, “that’s the lamp of our body and if your lamp is clean and align your entire body will be illuminated.”. This chakra is associated with your intuition. The best Crystal to clean and align this Chakra is Lapis Lazuli. This Crystal encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Stimulates objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity.

7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Mantra: OMM

This is Chakra number seven, it color is bright white. Is located in our crown that’s where we can connect with the universe and heavenly energies. The best Crystal to clean and align this Chakra is Amethyst. This Crystal is a natural tranquiliser that relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispelsanger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.

As you notice you start counting your chakras from bottom up. Please take a look a the picture above to have a better understanding.

“Crystals are magnificent to help you stay balance spiritually, mentally & emotionally.”

By: Aracelis Ulloa.

Instagram: @arascreations_

Facebook: Ara Ulloa

Pinterest: Ara Ulloa

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