I want to share with you the 3 books that help me heal in one of the most difficult times of my life. I know for sure that this three books could help you gain back your self confident, specially if you are going thru a difficult time. I recommend it a hundred percent.
Remember that we are healing together, that you are not alone, and that you are very important to me.
The first book I would love to share with you is “Mirror Work” the author is Louise Hay. This book is amazing, it would help you gain back your self confidence and recovered your inner child. Once you understand the importance of having a good relationship with your inner child you would be able to see yourself with love, compaction and respect. You not going to let anything or anyone to hurt you anymore.
The exercises in the book are so beautiful, I truly recommended it. They would help you understand how important it is to have a good relationship with yourself and to put your self in first place. Louise Hay was an amazing human been and writer that spread her love all around the world unconditionally. Even thought she already past away, her legacy keep touching hearts by making people understand the importance of self-love and self compaction. The book have a lot of positive affirmations that for sure would help you heal your beautiful soul & heart.
My second most recommended book is “The Four Agreements” the author is Don Miguel Ruiz. This book is also amazing, you must read it. The book would teach you the four agreements you must make with yourself in order to respect others and their perspective. Because we all see things differently depending on what we are focusing our attention on. If we don‘t learn how to respect other‘s people point of view we could be forever miserable.
I usually don‘t like to use negative words however, in this case was necessary to used the word “miserable.” This word could have many different meanings depending on the circumstances. I mean by using it above that the only person you could change is you, don‘t even try or force to change others, do things for yourself without hurting anyone, and God would do the rest. 😉
Don Miguel Ruiz, explained each agreement in a sublet, clear and easy to understand way. He had written many books however, “The Four Agreements” is my favorite of all, reason why I’m here recommending this book to you my dear.
The third book on my list of recommendations is “How Moved My Cheese?” The author is Spencer Johnson. This book is pretty small you could read it in about an hour. But, the learning would last you for a live time. The book teach the best way to handle changes in your life. The beauty of this wonderful book is that it was written in metaphors, which make it more interesting and make you want to read it over and over again.
Spencer Johnson gave many different aspects of how to handle changes and they all conduct to the same conclusion and it’s that we most adapt to this universe of changes. After we are able to understand that we can flow with life, and life can flow with us.
I know that you would love these three wonderful books, they all are a must have and must read books. Please let me know after you read then if you like them too.
Thank you for being here reading my blogs.
Remember that you are love, light & extraordinary. 😘
Aracelis Ulloa
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